to my
I Paint in color
& Ink in Black
2022: 24 March - 28 April expo
Podium Zuidhaege Assen(NL)

July 1989.
Always and forever
I mainly work with paint (oils) and ink (micron pens). My world of paint is full of colors despite the often dark themes, while the world of ink is primarily black. I always thought I had to choose one world. But I now feel confident to have them alongside each other. They both help me to ease my anxiety and tell the stories or feeling I want to show. In the past few months I started working on painting and drawing more freely. If things get too stylized or have to be too correct in some ways, my anxiety disorder makes it impossible to continue. I hope that through my art I can help others to show them a bit of my world, and that some pieces can be used as a starter to tell anyone how they feel if they cannot do this themselves. You are not just your flesh and bones, and to feel okay you need to take care of your mental state as well. I create from a need to work through my instability.
BA Design and Illustration at Minerva Groningen
Graphic Design Degree at LOI
Plants Rule.
I have been a vegetarian for years and I am now transitioning my lifestyle to vegan.
I believe with heart and soul that a plant based life is our future. For animals and for earth itself.
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Mental health warrior.
Fear has been a constant companion for me through life. I learn how to use art and work through the things I fear. It is my therapy. It will always be a struggle, but working alongside the monster that is fear makes life bearable. In most of my works you will see elements of fear, mine, but I hope people will see a bit of their own story in them. Life is different for everyone, but we also have so many similarities.
I am and always will keep fighting for more awareness towards mental health and for seeking treatment for all mental health problems. We are not alone. We are with so many. If you are at the start of your journey never ever hesitate to ask others.
You are not alone in this.
As a child I learned piano, as a teenager I started playing acoustic guitar. But I left music for years in the darkness as I was not strong enough to believe that I could do anything worthwhile. In my twenties music found its way back to me, or I found it, who knows. Nowadays I sing lead vocals and play guitar in Saint Martinez.
World of color

For Inquieries
I do not sell any work at the moment.
I am solely working on my mental health and take baby steps as I continue my treatment plan. I do plan to give you the opportunity to own a piece of my soul in the future. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook and you will be among the first to know when this changes.
Much Love,
Nadieh Martens
Drenthe, Netherlands
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